Honest CXL growth marketing minidegree review. Part 11/12

5 min readApr 26, 2021

Hello there. If you land on this article looking for opinions about CXL, there is something you should know before. First of all, welcome. I was in the same situation as you are, and I know how hard it is to find genuine reviews in this magic world. I will be 100% honest with you.

Please read the following disclaimer to better understand the reason behind my review on CXL. Nothing is hidden or overemphasized. Everything is reviewed in the most simple and objective manner so everyone can take his insights and auto-value CXL’s offer.


This article reviews just the CXL growth marketing minidegree (not all the CXL courses). The review is written by an actual user, me (Diego). BUT… it is not entirely bias-free. My experience with CXL is due to them granting me a scholarship (yes 100% courses). We know that in this capitalistic world nothing is for free and there is always a bilateral exchanging. Santa Claus does not exist, and it is not a drama only for children. Instead of money, the CXL scholarship program asks you to write 12 posts sharing your learning outputs and impressions with the mini degree. So yes, this review is biased but just for the fact that I am grateful to CXL. As a broken AF graduate (like me) trying to start a marketing career, it is very stressful to gain useful knowledge for free. Giving back to the community by delivering free education to people unable to afford expensive courses is per se a great reason to buy CXL products.

You can find more about the CXL growth markeing minidegree here:

And more about the CXL sholarship here:

A little bit of contextualization. CXL growth marketing minidegree is a 111h long course (111h 42min to be fair) composed of 9 modules. In this article, I am going to review the sixth module: Growth Program Management

I would like to take a more unusual approach to reviewing by talking about people instead of contents. Growth marking video courses are approximately the same all over the industry. What really matters is how growth marketing has been taught, depending on teachers, not contents. So, today I am going to talk about two guys covering the process involved in growth team and yout to manage and optimized it.

Sean Ellis talking about GrowthMaster Training

Sean is Head of Growth at GrowthHackers or as he likes to call it a Growth Master and his workshop explains how to become one. As repeated multiple times in other CXl courses, growth marketing is an approach rather than a specific department in your company. Sean perfectly illustrates this concept by indicating that the different levers of growth reside in the different teams in the company, therefore a growth team should not operate in silos but rather sit across different teams to drive growth in different departments. This particular connotation is also reflected in the characteristics of your growth team and your growth master. The growth team should be composed of heterogeneous and multi-disciplinary members able to be esèpert in a specific field but having always a broad vision and goal. The growth master should have a solid growth mindset, entrepreneurial approach, be disciplined to follow a process with analytical and leadership spirit. He is a kind of machine formed by the best skills in the market yet able to mix them into a growth-oriented process.

One posed the fundamental of growth, Sean explains to you the growth testing process, a never-ending loop of analyzing, idea generation, prioritization, and testing. The testing process guarantees the leverage of all company resources for immediate growth results through high-tempo cycles without arming long-term sustainable growth.

While Sean’s course is rather short compared to other CXL courses, it is essential in his holistic vision of the process. In my opinion, channel or tool-specific courses drive water to their side while process-focused courses allow you to leverage what you already know into better sustainable results and learning.

John McBride talking about Optimizing Your Growth Process

John is a guru. His course lasts 20 or so minutes and is basically him sitting on a chair talking about growth. Nevertheless, every single John’s wors is bure gold and great sources of learning. He looks like Elon Mask speaking in interviews. As his approach, the course is pretty straightforward. To optimize your growth process you should aim to choose better experiences or increase the speed of the process itself or both. Better experiences are achievable by leveraging the previous experience and learning to depend on fewer assumptions as possible and also by developing a prioritization system that focuses more on experient quality rather than speed. Differently, the speed of testing can be enhanced by planning, training the team, and tooling them with the fastest stuff. Obviously, the course will give you better tips but this review summarizes the content. As I said before, John is not a talkative guy but he knows his stuff.

And that is pretty much my comments on the forth module of CXL growth marketing minidegree. If you want to know more, please read the previous reviews of the CXL growth marketing minidegree:

Or simply go check the CXL Institute, they offer a 7-day free trial so you can have a first-hand experience of the validity of their courses and teachers:

